No BS History of Pakistan

history of Pakistan

This is the factual history of Pakistan as recorded by a Pakistani researcher and completely truthful.

3000 −1500 BC Indus Valley Civilization History of Pakistan

The Indus Valley civilization formally occurred around the Eastern and Western banks of the Indus River and its 5 tributaries

  • Ravi River
  • Beas River
  • Sutlej River
  • Chenab River
  • Indus River

There were only two other civilizations in the Bronze Age that matched the Indus Valley Civilization; Egyptian and Mesopotamian.

Pakistan has risen from the ruins of these great ancient cities

  • The city of Peshawar on the entrance to Khyber Pass has artifacts before the 2nd century BC.
  • The city of Multan at the confluence of 5 rivers and has been continually inhabited for at least 2500 years.
    • See Multan Sun Temple
  • Mohenjo-Daro, the “city of the dead” was fully functional as a modern city in 2500 BC.
  • Harappa Sahiwal City, 2600 BC on the now dried out Ravi River.
  • Mehr Garh Dhadar City, (7000 – 2500 BC) in Baluchistan, Pakistan.
  • Taxila (1000 BC), the center of Buddhist and Civilizational learning.

All these great ancient cities coincide with the rise to power of the Indus Valley around 2500 BC and this is where Pakistan History formally begins.


The civilization came to Pakistan before it reached India.

Civilizational evolution took time to reach the deep reaches of India, eastwards, because of the thick vegetation, fauna, and rivers of the Indus Valley.

1500 – 500 BC Vedic History of Pakistan

Vedic Civilization took shape around the Indus Valley in Pakistan.

The earliest Sanskrit Vedic text of Hinduism was scripted in a cave of Kallar Kahar, Chakwal Pakistan.

This is the first time when the Indo-Aryan people of the Indus Valley, armed with more civilizational knowledge and wealth spread deeper Eastward into the Ganges Plains of India.

Northern India has, by and large, remained part of the Indus Valley in Pakistan, throughout history.

500 – 327 BC 1st Persian Rule in History of Pakistan

Darius of Persia, son-in-law of Cyrus, sent an official surveyor to the Indus Valley who reported amazing findings.

Skylax of Caryanda in 510 BC reports seeing in Pakistan:-

  • Rulers who look different from their subjects
  • Nomadic hunter-gatherers,
  • Cave dwellers,
  • Giant Alligators
  • One-eyed people,
  • Dark in complexion,
  • one-offspring couples

Darius quickly occupied the Pakistan land of Sindh after that and named it Hindus.

Hindus, Sindhus, and Indus are the same word, pronounced differently.

Pakistan’s ethnic name is Indus.

327 BC 1st Greek Rule in Pakistan

326 BC Alexander the Great of Macedon defeated Porus across the Jhelum River Punjab and

  • Formally introduced Greek to this land of Pakistan, beyond Punjab
  • Their influence stayed on in the shape of Indo Bactrian Kingdoms

Although pagan, Greek introduced an all-inclusive secular style of government in Northern Pakistan.

322 – 185 BC Hindu-Buddhist Maurya Empire in Pakistan

Hindu Chandragupta Maurya’s empire was extended by Buddhist Asoka the Great until 185 BC.

Maurya Empire stayed friendly toward Greek, as reflected in the Buddhist deities of the time.

Asoka converted to Buddhism and introduced Buddhism all across Northern Pakistan in 300 BC.

The first century BC to 1st century AD, 2nd Greek rule in Pakistan

Greco Bactrian rulers directly took over right up to the Western Banks of Indus

  • Menendez
  • Gondophares

60 – 200 AD Buddhist Kushan Empire in Pakistan

Kushan reigns supreme with Peshawar as their base.

Kushan were Indo-European people.

The Kushan Empire included nearly all of Pakistan and extended deep into India, except Sindh province.

200 – 320 AD Sassanid Persians enter Pakistan

Sassanid was the 2nd Persian rule in Pakistan.

Sassanian Persians were Zoroastrian in outlook.

The old Pagan Greek, Buddhist mixed society became more biased now.

Sassanid had more influence in the South of Pakistan up to the Eastern Bank of Indus.

320 – 543 AD Gupta Dynasty rule Pakistan


Primarily Hindu, this family extended their reach well into India nearly covering all present-day Indian Territory.

  • They were tolerant of Buddhists,
  • Their main defenses were built East of River Indus.
  • Culture, literature, and Spiritualism flourished during this period.

Taxasila (Taxila) University reached its zenith in the 4th and 5th centuries, as reported by Chinese travelers.

Mahabharata and Ramayana epic Hindu stories were composed in these times.

450 – 712 AD the Huns raid Pakistan

Gupta was a loose confederation of states.

White Huns found an opportunity and struck hard.

“Huna” people conducted a lighting strike from the West deep into India.

White Huns were European-looking fighters, with shaved beards and mustaches, likely originated in the land West of the Persian empire.

Huns had syncretic beliefs but came down hard on Buddhism across Northern Pakistan.

Hindu Rai dynasty (c. 489–632 CE) in Sindh Pakistan

Rai Dynasty was a Hindu Buddhist mix and concentrated in Southern Pakistan.

712- 997 AD Muhammad Bin Qasim in Sindh

Umayyad General Muhammad Bin Qasim defeats the Local Rai Dynasty in Sindh and introduces Islam.

Nearly the complete landmass of Pakistan is conquered and the already weary population begins to convert to the new religion.

997 −1160 AD Ghaznavid Empire of Mahmud Ghaznavi

Mahmud Ghaznavi rides in the North -West, with his hordes, and sweeps deep into India.

He was also Muslim and another wave of Muslim conversion occurs, albeit slowly, even in the hilly northern Pakistani territories.

1206 – 1526 AD Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate takes control of Southern Pakistan and eventually controls both sides of the Indus River, Northern India right up to Bangladesh.

1526 – 1736 AD Mughal invasion start

Turkic Babar the Mughals Invades Northern Pakistan and India right up to Ganges River in the extreme East.

Akbar and the rest of the Mughal extend the kingdom to Southern Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan.

1707 AD Aurangzeb extends the empire to the greatest lengths but is bankrupted by Hindu Maratha fighters propped by colonial British.

1736 Nadir Shah of Persia enters Pakistan

This is the 3rd Persian rule in Pakistan.

Nadir Shah’s flanking maneuver and modern light weapons devastate the already fledgling Mughal Rule.

Nadir Shah sweeps into Delhi and conquers Northern Territories.

1799 – 1843 British Indirect Rule in Pakistan

1799-Colonial British prop up their local proxies, the Sikh in Pakistani Territory and extend their reach into Afghanistan.

1843-Colonial British directly take part in the war against their allied rulers of Southern Pakistan to take direct control from Talpur.

1843-Colonial British take full control of Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh by defeating their Vassal, the Sikh in Punjab, and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

1857 – 1947 Direct British rule history of Pakistan

1857-This land of Pakistan is formally annexed in the British Indian Empire.

1893-The British got tired of USSR’s meddling through Afghanistan into the Eastern territory and left Afghanistan and the Wakhan corridor as a buffer.

1893-The Durand Line was created to keep interference out.

1906-All India Muslim league was formed, much to the dismay of the Congress Party

1933-The name Pakistan is introduced in the literature

  • “P” for Punjab
  • “A” for Afghania
  • “K” of Kashmir
  • “S” for Sindh
  • “Stan” for Baluchistan

1940-The Muslim league votes for a separate and independent state for the Muslims of India.

1947 Pakistan becomes an independent nation from India.

History of Pakistan 1947 to 2023

1948 Hindu ruler of Muslim Majority Kashmir declares accession to India, Pakistan sends in irregular troops

1948-Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founding father passes away.

1951-In the turf war between USSR and the USA for influence in the new nation, Liaqat Ali Khan, the first prime minister is assassinated by likely Russian proxies.

1956 Pakistan renames itself as an Islamic republic.

1958 General Ayyub Khan takes over power in a military coup, backed by the USA.

1965 Pakistan and India go to war over Kashmir with no outcome.

1970-Awami league Party of East Pakistan was not given the right to form a government by the dictator in Pakistan and civil war breaks out with direct assistance from India and USSR.

1971 A new country is created out of East Pakistan called Bangladesh.

1972 Pakistan and India sign the Shimla Agreement over the disputed land of Kashmir.

1977-Another General, Zia ul Haq takes over in a Military Coup, backed by the USA.

1979- Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged illegally by General Zia ul Haq in judicial murder.

1991-The General imposes Islamic Sharia law to consolidate his illegal power.

1992-Democracy returns to Pakistan under the Military’s shadow.

1998-Pakistan tests its 6 nuclear devices.

2001–2008-General Pervez Musharraf takes over again in a military coup, backed by the USA.

Pakistan loses 70,000 people and $ 100 billion in damages in an ill-advised war joined by General Musharraf.

2007 Benazir Bhutto, twice prime minister of Pakistan is murdered in a bomb attack while General Musharraf was in power.

2008 Democracy returns to Pakistan

2012- 2020 History of Pakistan

2012 – PPP’s Prime Minister Gillani was ousted from power for corruption by the Supreme Court.

2013 – Nawaz Sharif’s PML N voted to power in a landslide victory.

2018 – Imran Khan of PTI is voted to power

Pakistan is slowly creeping toward the glory of its ancient Indus Valley heritage and Supreme humanitarian ideals of Islam

Is Pakistan an ethnicity?

No, Pakistan is not an ethnicity but is a modern name for the ethnicity of Indus Valley Civilization people.

In the olden days, this ethnicity was referred to as “Sindhu.”

Sindhu means people living around River Sindh (Indus)

History and DNA records show that this DNA has lived around the Left and right bank of the Indus River for millenniums’.

Which Race are Pakistanis?

DNA records and history of migration/invasions indicate that the predominant race of Pakistanis origins somewhere in Persia, on the Greek Persian border.

Is Pakistan’s map historically correct?

No, historically speaking, Pakistan must include

  • A greater part of Afghanistan
  • All Punjab
  • Kashmir
  • Sliver Eastwards into Northern India up to the Ganges
  • A sliver eastwards into southern India up to Surat Port along the Coast.

However, this map is what Pakistan got from the Radcliff Line.

The India Pakistan Indus Water Treaty Anomaly

Since Pakistan’s history is based on the Indus Valley, the 5 rivers that have been flowing to this land for thousands of years, cannot be denied to the people, by any international law.

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