Beating the summer heat at Thandiani Top Abbottabad


This post is about Thandiani Top Abbottabad and everything you must know to enjoy there, and it is not just the snow in winter and mild temperatures in summer.

How to get to Thandiani top, Abbottabad.

You can either hire a Hiace or coaster from Abbottabad from any tour operator and they will charge about Rs 15000 per trip.

Alternatively, you can drive in your own vehicle and any vehicle can reach the top easily.


Do not use excessive braking on vehicles while you drive up or down the road, there have been incidences of brake failure due to the heating of discs. Learn how to brake using gears, instead.

The road is metaled but is narrow and prone to congestion from hotels along the way.

So, leave home early, so that you can get to the top quicker.

Aim at getting there before 11 am when the rush starts on the Abbottabad – Thandiani road.

Route map to Thandiani 

You must get to Abbottabad city on the Hazara motorway.

Take the Havelian exit on the Hazara motorway.

Drive straight into Abbottabad city and turn right on the Murree – Nathiagali road from Baluch regimental center chowk.

Go straight on the Abbottabad Nathiagali road and turn left from Durbar Peena Sharif.

This road will climb all the way to the top.


The weather is never more than 30 Degree Celsius, even in peak summer months May to July.

It rains even during summers, sometimes every day.

Hail storms are a frequent occurrence during summers.

In winters, the temperature drops sharply and comes close to zero degrees centigrade.

This place becomes unlivable when it snows and the wind picks up speed.

Electricity in several guest houses and hotels of Thandiani is erratic, so it becomes unmanageable in winters.

In winters, usually, people drive up there during the daytime and enjoy the snow, but do not stay there overnight.

Can I take my family to Thandiani?

Yes, there is no security issue and the local shops are well stocked with food and other items during summers.

During winters, only the government rest houses of Tourism Development Corporation of KPK are functional and various government agencies.

Hotels at Thandiani

I saw several private hotels and guest rooms there.

The charges for one night stay double occupancy are Rs 2000–5000 per night.

There are about seven private 1-star hotels in Thandiani with a few rooms and independent bathrooms.

The bedrooms and bathrooms in these hotels are clean, but nothing fancy.

These private hotels do not book, and you must go there to occupy a room

Local small hotels also provide food and hot water on demand.

Some even have solar heating and electricity.

Good Hotels Closest to Thandiani

These hotels arrive half an hour before Thandiani top:-

  • Hassan Paragon Hotel Contact Number +923009145072
  • River Residency Kala Pani Contact Number +923435755575

They are not excellent, but 1.5 Star in quality, livable and you can book in advance.


It would be a better idea to pitch your own clean tent and sleeping bag on the lawns of Forest Rest House and eat from the private hotels on the top.

Government Guest Houses and Room booking at Thandiani

Thandiani has the following Government Guest houses with excellent rooms available for booking.

Tourism Corporation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa TCKP Camping Pods Thandiani

You can book Camping Pods from the website of Forest Guest House Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Thandiani.

Metrological Department Guest House Thandiani

Book Guest room from the website of Pakistan Metrological Department.

Pakistan Television Guest Houses Thandiani

PTV has the second-largest guest room complex.

CWC Guest House Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Book Guest House from This KPK Website.

Pakistan Air Force and Army Guest Houses Thandiani

Contact some officer you know to get a room – if you are lucky.

Although there are about a dozen government guest houses in Thandiani occupying prime land and best view spots, the guards in these guesthouses do not allow anyone even to step in.

So much for promoting tourism, when bureaucrats and the powerful in this country are answerable to no one.

The best option for Hotel Stay 

The best option is to book online reach the TCKP-camping pods, near St Xavier Church early, and occupy your rooms early

Things to see in Thandiani

Personally, I enjoyed the weather the most and it was May when Punjab was red hot with heat.

Other attractions for tourists coming  are-

British Colonial Forest Rest house Thandiani

This colonial rest house and its sloping edges are a treat to see.

  • I could see deep into Kohistan Mountains and Mansehra from this site.
  • On the Eastern side, Pir Panjal Range in Indian Kashmir was also visible.

Forest rest house is cited on a sharp ledge.

CWC Department KPK Guesthouse 

The rear terrace of this colonial rest house has a thick forest behind it and you get to see all the way to Kashmir.

St Xavier Cathedral 

This British-era Cathedral is boxed up but still looks magnificent in the rustic setting.

Graves of British Colonial notables.

Abbottabad and Thandiani both were established by British officers.

Being buried among the quiet pines was the thing to do for these visitors dying far away from home.

In case you are wondering, Abbottabad is named after Major Abbot, who was one of the 200 British officers who lorded over this land that became Pakistan.

This British Graveyard or Gora Qabristan is one kilometer short of Thandiani Top parking, a small walk from the road.

The only marker for the graveyard is two water tanks with a metal sheet cover.

Views from TCKP Camping Pod Thandiani

The new camping pod site 100 meters from the Church has an excellent view of the surroundings

Hike back to Abbottabad from Thandiani

Hike all the way back to Abbottabad from Dagri Nakka “the leopard Corner” at 8900 feet.

There is a well-established hiking route coming down from Thandiani to Abbottabad city.

Wildlife at Thandiani

There are leopards, foxes, monkeys in the area as they frequently come in contact with humans because of their shrinking forest area.

What is little knows is that larger tigers, flying squirrel and pine maren have also been reported in the area.

With the indiscriminate chopping down of forests by locals, it would be a miracle for you to catch a glimpse of either of them.

Pay a local to help you locate one.

Waterfalls at Thandiani

It does not have any waterfall that pours down all year round.

Several small corner waterfalls appear out of nowhere when it rains heavily, which it usually does in the months of August.

Other mountain tops around Thandiani

There are many other lesser known beautiful spots and mountain tops around Thandiani connected through good roads.

Only the locals know of such places, so ask people on the way.

One such site is Kala paani.

Unabashed PDA of young couples

Maybe it’s the weather at Thandiani, but PDA between young couples holding hands and further is common.

I find that amusing – I am sure you would too.

The worst thing about Thandiani.

The worst thing is the trash, deforestation, and unfriendly guards at government-run rest houses.


The government of Pakistan should instruct their institutions running government guest houses in Thandiani to at least open their grounds and view spots for people to visit and enjoy. After all, the people of Pakistan are not the enemy.

This Hill top is worth the visit.

Thandiani: Frequently Asked Questions

Is Thandiani a good place?

Yes, Thandiani is good for people who enjoy pleasant weather in the Summers and snow in the winters. It is also good to enjoy fresh air.

What is the beuty of Thandiani?

The real beauty of Thandiani is in its untouched forest, weather and wildlife.

Can we take cars to Thandiani?

Yes, since the road is well made, a car can go to Thandiani Top

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