Is Pakistan safe to Travel in 2024
To decide whether Pakistan is safe for Travel, you have to know a few important things about the country and its people.
Also see, Bucket list of places to see inside Pakistan
Table of Contents
TogglePakistan’s population is overwhelming but kind
Pakistan is a massive county population wise (240 Million), that means there is hardly any place in Pakistan you can go unnoticed or get lost.
Unwanted curiosity in the Cities is safe too
Major Cities like Lahore and Karachi are urban sprawls with poverty centers within the cities. This means, you’d find lots of hangeroners, expecting some sort of payment if you venture out alone.
Women stay off the streets in Pakistan
Women in Pakistan generally stay off the streets. This means that foreign travelers roaming around the streets of cities with their women would be a bit of a novelty and attract unwanted attention from vagabonds.
Pakistan’s Culture is in Lahore and Safe
The history of Pakistan is in Lahore but you’d have to seek a local guide to help you reach the juiciest spots without any botheration.
Pakistan’s Coastal City Karach is Congested but Safe
The coast of Pakistan is in Karachi, and is also the only true metropolitan city, so you’d need local contacts to find the heart of the city
Pakistan’s crowning Jewel Karakorum are safe
Gilgit Baltistan has no negative Travel advisory and is probably the most beautiful part of Pakistan.
North West (Chitral) and North (Gilgit Baltistan) is completely safe and you can land at the Skardu International Airport, bypassing any complexity enroute.
Kashmir Pakistan is safe but with negative Advisories
The real beauty of Pakistan is in its North-East Kashmir. USA has a travel advisory for the North East (Neelum), so you may want to avoid that, if you are a coward.
Otherwise, there is really no danger there for any sort of tourist
Pakistan’s Pashtun Belt is tricky
Pashtun Belt of Pakistan toward West is used as a proxy war fighting ground by Pakistan’s political elite and USA has a travel advisory against going there. So, although Peshawar’s Khyber Pass is not to be missed, you’d want to avoid it if you are a pus*y.
Baluchistan should be visited with Escorts
The rolling sand dunes and vast open spaces of Baluchistan are mesmerizing for me, because I love the expanse, but maybe you’d want to take an armed escort with you when you roam about there, because there are self created political issues in that province.
Islamabad is the city of Pakistani Elite safest city in Pakistan
The capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad, is where the corrupt elite of Pakistan resides, so they try to keep the place safe, to enjoy their loot in peace. There is some night life here too.
Travel Advisories on Pakistan are not to be taken word for word
Do keep in mind that the travel advisories are just that, advisories,, if you follow negative travel advisories that the officials of foreign countries issue, you’d never see any place beyond the local Mc Donalds.
Western Travel Advisories are Politically Motivated
Many of the travel advisories issues by Western Governments are politically motivated to put pressure on the local political dispensation.
Pakistan’s corrupt elite make it unsafe
Although Pakistan has been run by a hybrid regime led by the military, that defers to USA’s interests, State Department regularly issues a negative advisory for Pakistan because the Pakistan elite wants the whole cake and eat it too.
I mean what can the dirt poor people of wretched Baluchistan do to western tourists to be slapped with a negative advisory?
So, the people of Pakistan would never hurt a foreign tourist,but the corrupt government officials would, just to get a few extra dollars.
Risks of Traveling to Pakistan
As per my perception the only risk foreigners have in Pakistan is if they unnecessarily roam about in the streets to attract unwanted attention.
Stay close to the cities
As Pakistan’s governance only extends to its cities, so whenever you venture outside, the travel guide will always be armed, just in case.
Northern Area of Pakistan is Safe
Anything beyond Himalaya’s foothills, i.e. North or Rawalpindi, Taxila, and the GT road is safe.
North East of Pakistan – Kashmir – Safe
Kashmir is the jewel of Pakistan, if you can get past the several check posts enroute. The education level in Kashmir is very high and this makes the population very civilized. There is very little crime in Kashmir, mostly because of education and homogenous population.
Gilgit Baltistan – Safe
The whole of Gilgit – Baltistan, Skardu and Chitral is safe, mainly because it has been shielded by high mountains.
Punjab – Safe
Then Punjab province is safe because of better education and income levels. There is a lot more urbanization in Punjab as well.
Southern Punjab – Safe
Cultural Cities like the Sufi city Multan is not that well equipped to handle tourists, but there are no reports of looting or harassing tourists there.
There are some travelers who venture Deep South in the country to see the history, the shrines, the forts, the religious congregations and that’s fine too – as long as you have a local person with you.
South of Pakistan Sindh is safe near Karachi
Sindh province is steeped in poverty beyond the cities and this discourages travelers. Where there is poverty, there is always a chance of highway stickups. Otherwise, the people in rural areas would never think of harming travelers.
Pakistan India Border – in Punjab safe
Negative travel advisories on Pakistan are mostly related to Pakistan border with India and Afghanistan, but people love seeing the flag lowering ceremony at Wagah Pakistan India Border.
India to Pakistan Trip is a favorite
Travelers mostly like to take the Wagha border – Chitral – Gilgit-Baltistan – Islamabad route because it fits in with their India trip. All these places are very safe for foreigners.
Is Pakistan Safe to Live?
Lots of Western women have chosen the Northern Areas of Pakistan as their permanent home. Many Caucasian women and men are married to Pakistanis and they immediately find themselves in the upper echelons of the society thanks to colonially brutalized Pakistani society.
So, yes, Pakistan is safe to live,if you have good Pakistani contacts to help you navigate daily life.
Is Pakistan Safe for Western Tourists?
Didn’t I just mention Colonially brutalized Pakistani society that exalts Caucasian people? Also, Pakistanis are the most hospitable people you’d ever meet in the world. A lot has to be because Pakistan has been mostly isolated from the travelling crowd for so long and also the local culture believes guests are a blessing from God.
Is Pakistan safe for Indian Tourists?
Pakistani people have no hate for Indian people, except their crazy leaders. It is the same way in Pakistan, corrupt elite in Pakistan too.
So, Indians would be very welcome in Pakistan
Is Pakistan Safer than India?
India has a more assertive government when it comes to dealing with travel advisories by Western government so Travel to India gets “Increased Caution” due to threat of Terrorism and Crime. Whereas, Pakistan with a lame Military Hybrid Government managed to secure a “reconsider travel to Pakistan” due to Terrorism.
For the life of me I still don’t know what it means, this word Terrorism is thrown around so much.
So, India is a lot safer because it is more agreeable to Western Governments.
Is Pakistan Safe for Female Travelers?
Pakistanis are quite conservative and think it is their moral duty to protect women, as they are the weaker gender.
Therefore, no one harms women in Pakistan, especially white women.
Do I need to have COVID Vaccine to Travel to Pakistan?
No, currently the Government of Pakistan has abolished the requirement of a valid COVID 19 Vaccination Certificate to travel into Pakistan.
Conclusion on Is Pakistan Safe for Tourists
Despite all the negative perceptions and advisories about Pakistan, I’d say travelling in the country is safe, if you take a local travel guide with you.
If you want us to arrange your safe travel inside Pakistan, do inbox us.
Also see,
Travel and Tour Questions on Pakistan
Travel and Tour Companies in Pakistan

Tips to Keep Safe while Traveling to Pakistan
These are the tips to keep in mind to stay safe inside Pakistan
- Avoid politics, religion and western society discussions.
- Try to be reasonable friendly and not snooty or arrogant.
- Try to dress up in local Shalwar Kameez and not in shorts / Tees
- Cover your head if you are lady
- Avoid sitting or standing in close vicinity of men or in exclusive company of men
- Try to book your travel through a local travel company. You’d spare yourself the hassle of No Objection Certificates and check posts.
- Avoid going out alone a night
- It’s a patriarchical society, so don’t try to act independent of your man. Also, try to keep a male companion with you and try to pass him off as your husband.
- Keep only the money you require for a particular day in your travel belt. Keep the rest in the hotel or your accommodation.
- Your travel plans should be air tight, no last minute change of plans and do you research.
- Don’t mind too much if you get groped, stared at or attempted to pick up — it’s mostly uneducated / uncivilized guys who do that.
- There will be no one trying to abduct you, rape you or kill you for being an infidel — that only in western media.
- Touch base at every city you land in and go around the periphery from the base. Let the people there know where you will be for the day.
- Keep a local phone number with data so that you know your whereabouts.
Avoid mobs, congested places, Friday prayer congregations and political rallies, — anyplace where a mob can gather around you.
Avoid busses and public transport. Try UBER or CAREEM apps and use rickshaw or motorcycle to reduce cost.
It would be better if you just hire a driver and a car to go to various spots. The driver can act as a guide and can help avoid unwanted attention.
So, if you dress modestly, take a local along and travel in your hired transport in a pre-decided route, there is no reason to feel unsafe in coming to Pakistan.