Pakistan irreligious

Pakistan needs irreligious Govt Executives and Education

Pakistan needs irreligious Government Executives and Education, only then the democratic will of the people of Pakistan can  be realized. Executive Branch in the Government of Pakistan means all Federal and Provincial Officers, Judiciary, Bureaucrats, teachers, and Professors. Now, I will explain why it is critical. What is being “Irreligious”? “Unbelief” is when a particular…

Musharraf article 6

Why Musharraf article 6 verdict is good for Pakistan

Mr. Pervez Musharraf being found ‘guilty’ of high treason under article 6 of Pakistan’s constitution took 73 years coming. Irrespective of whether the actual ‘hang till death’ sentence of Ex-military strongman Musharraf is carried out or not, this verdict will go down as one of the top ten destiny altering events in Pakistan’s history. This…

prime minister imran khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan the real fight is coming! for Pakistan

Dear Prime Minister Imran Khan ہم دیکھیں گے جب ارضِ خدا کے کعبے سےسب بت اٹھوائے جائیں گےہم اہلِ صفا، مردودِ حرممسند پہ بٹھائے جائیں گےسب تاج اچھالے جائیں گےسب تخت گرائے جائیں گے ہم دیکھیں گے   ‘We will definitely witness (the day)… When all the demi-gods shall be removed from the Kaaba of…