Restaurants Best Barbecue in Rawalpindi at Garrison Officers MessGarrison Officers mess Rawalpindi has the best Barbecue. I would know because I have lived around the place all my life and…
Restaurants Mei Kong Chinese restaurant Saddar RawalpindiMei Kong Chinese Restaurant has several branches in Rawalpindi and even in Lahore. This is a my review of the restaurant.Mei Kong…
Restaurants Monal Rawalpindi downtown restaurant, PakistanMonal Restaurant Rawalpindi is nothing like its cousin — Monal restaurant Damne Koh. This version is more like a cleaner Jahangir Balti….
Restaurants Review of Pappasallis, Jinnah Park, Rawalpindi, PakistanAt first sight, Pappasallis Rawalpindi has the Italian bistro look, green lawns and fountains look pleasant and tasteful. Then the location is…
Restaurants Elegantly themed Kallisto Restaurant Bahria TownKallistao Restaurant Bahria Town has the right combination of tasteful decor, artful architecture and quality food that makes dinner there enjoyable. Kallisto…