Six (6) hateful things about Pakistan ( Let me tell)
As if there are not enough things already to hate in the world, these are an additional six hateful things about Pakistan:- 8000 meters high Nanga Parbat is the worst thing about Pakistan, closely followed by emerald-water Ormara Beach. How can you not hate staring at snow-clad Nanga Parbat basked in yellow early-morning light (especially…
Funniest Memes Cricket: Pakistan vs India in Sports
Funniest memes Cricket Pakistan is a collection of hilarious punch lines for a team we all love to hate. This mercurial team is disastrous-one-day and glorious-the -next, which makes them very enjoyable. Well, you can’t have a heart attack during every match and not want to laugh about it the next day. The best memes…
Top 10 qualities real Political leader
The qualities of political leaders that the third world countries need, are anathema to what powerful countries can digest. It is a miracle that the essential qualities of a political leader appear in a person from within a third world society, let alone his their rising to the top. Also see, Comparison Imran Khan of…