My 30 day Ramadan resolution in Pakistan

ramadan resolution

This 30-day Ramadan resolution list is how I plan to come out the other side, with a clean mind, body, and soul. Although I never check all the boxes in my to-do Ramadan resolution list 2019, at least I am a little bit better in 2020, than last year. By the way, in Pakistan, we call the Ramadan Festival Ramzaan Mubarak. 

What is the Festival of Ramadan?

The purpose of Ramadan is to stop eating, drinking, having sex, abusing, and having bad thoughts so that you can master yourself. In Chinese Ramadan is 斋月.

As the Grand Master of deception once said and I quote 

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power” Lao Tzu

Ramadan Quranic Quote 

“Oh, you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness” (Q 2:183).

Ramadan, the 9th Islamic month, ushers in spiritual purity, compassion, generosity, forgiveness, discipline, and tete-a-tete with the divine.

Forgive me, Allah for I have sinned — I have thought of my boss as the vilest of creatures on earth— which is partially true, but I intend to ditch all that for enlightenment.

No one said we can’t have a good time while we are purifying ourselves—and that’s what I intend to do. My 30-day resolution is a combination of inner peace and personal growth. Check this out!

  • I will complete my important projects in the first week of Ramadan while I still have some energy to be creative.
  • After the first week, it’s non-stop sehri at Muree road and aftari at Islamabad. Monal, Kohsar, Marriott, Serena, Ramada Resort, Chatta’s, Jade; all have Aftari at Rs 1800 per person. If that’s too high then no place beats Chandni chowk.
  • In between, I will invite my family, friends, and then my colleagues over for Iftari and have a ball at it.
  • My morning swimming sessions will have to go to after-iftari hours (night time)
  • We will stay awake till sehri by driving out to Bahria town and Margalla hills beyond Monal
  • I will read the Quran for my spiritual guidance for the next year, before Iftar, every day.
  • I will forgive the A*holes in my life and bond with the angels.
  • I will give charity, smile more and make sure people are happy to see me
  • I will read the four books that are lying on my bedside stand ‘to kill a mocking bird’, ‘God’, ‘why nations fail’ and ‘the animal farm’ and ‘Sapiens’
  • I will ditch my vices (can’t tell you that) and clean my inside
  • I run to the mosque and complete my 8 travehs’ and head back out on a drive towards Islamabad hills or Bahria town hills. The cool breeze out there is amazing. ( see rawalpindi, perch views)
  • Then we’ll lie back at home, do our family thing, watch movies and read our books till Fajr time. This is the time for Ramadan Cricket as well, under the floodlights. A walk in the park at night would be very relaxing.
  • With a 16 hour fast, not much can be done during the blistering hot day-time. So, daytime would be nap time. That means early to pack up and straight to bed.
  • The last week of Ramadan, right before Eid, we will take off towards Rama Lake and further North. The roads and lodges are empty on these days. So, SEE YA!

Sehri will be around 3 am and we’ll have the (layered) parathay with tea, eggs and phenian (vermicelli’s). I’ll top that off with a tall glass of cool Lassi (freshly beat). No sehri will be complete without a Chaunsa mango, chilled on the rocks

Iftari will then be pakora, jalebi, Dahi Baray, Fruit chat, Rooh Afza and mutton pulao. Haleem on the alternate days. Channa Samosa Chat on the side would not be bad at all. After pausing for Maghreb prayers, we’d have a hot cup of tea.

Trivia about Ramadan

Ramadan means ‘burning / scorching (heat)’ in Arabic and is the ninth month in the Muslim calendar. By definition, in Ramadan month, Muslims are supposed to renew their spiritual vows by offering dua, fasting, from dawn till dusk, and abstaining from food, water, and intercourse. Besides, these Muslims are supposed to celebrate the revelation of the Quran these days and abstain from bad social behavior and therefore, greet others by saying, Ramadan Kareem or Ramadan Mubarak!. Ramadan 2020 will be from 24th April to 23rd May 2020. Ramadan is only for Muslims that are scattered all over the world. In Chinese Ramadan is 斋月. The teachings of Ramadan are the same for Ramadan months, whether in 2017, 2019, or 2021. God forbid, my Ramadan resolution has nothing to do with Baathist ramadan (so called) revolution of 1963. 

Who says we are going to live forever? What are a few extra pounds going to do to me? People die while sitting in the can, might as well enjoy the time we are around.

So my resolution for this Ramadan is the purity of the soul, connecting with Allah, friendship, family bonding, fun, books, charity, and reflection. What’s yours?

Ramadan Kareem!

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One Comment

  1. will try to be a human for” once” on the basis of which Satan was put in place where he is , by Almiighty

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