Jawa Dam best Jet Ski site around Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Jawa Dam jet-ski site Rawalpindi is a one-hour drive from Cantonment Rawalpindi, just beyond the Adiala Jail complex. It used to be with the fisheries and irrigation department but is now with Pakistan Army. You’d have to book prior to your arrival through your military contacts to make the best of the trip.
Jawa dam jet-ski Rawalpindi is one of the several water sports activities in the club. The water sports club is a few kilometers drive off the main Adiala road towards the right while coming from Rawalpindi.
This is the Shrine Landmark that shows you are near.
Rahu fish in Rawalpindi all come from the three dams Jawa dam, Misriot & Khasala — all in the same vicinity.
The government of Pakistan plans to use this water to supply the ever-burgeoning Rawalpindi population.
Adiala road itself, up to Gulshanabad is a disaster — after that, it gets easier.
Because of the abundant water, lots of investors have bought the agricultural land surrounding the dams and are planting grapes there. I wonder what they make out of the grapes.
We took a speed boat ride to the far end of the water reservoir at Jawa Dam and climbed up on top of a Rocky hill — for a panoramic view.
Some people camp on top of these rocky hills overnight and enjoy the early morning sunrise.
The pictures from the rocky hills of the surrounding area are breathtaking, especially in summers when there is the scent of spring in the air.
The far-end of the reservoir can be reached on foot from the road, but it isn’t developed for tourists. The government does plan to make these dams tourist-friendly.
The recent showers have made this bone-dry plateau, glowing again.
We also tried the jet skis that are very powerful and fast.
I wanted to take a dip in the lake but left it for next time
The refreshments and breakfast at the water sports club is very tasty and low-budget
We went to other vantage sites and had our fill of the beautiful Potohar Plateau —for all you to see.
This goes to show that if you are willing to move your behind just a teeny-bit, there are wonders waiting to be discovered around us. Bon Voyage.
There are many dams in the vicinity of Rawalpindi like
Dadocha Dam site, and
Jawa Dam jet-ski Rawalpindi is sometimes called ‘Jawai Dam’ and is also written as ‘Java’. Apparently, there is another Jawa Dam in Jordan. So make this weekend Jawa day.
Do watch the Jawa Dam video.
how fast these jet skies can go
jet ski in Jawa Dam can go up to 40 to 45 KPH.