Hiran Minar Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan
Sheikhupura is the city where Hiran Minar is located. This city is named after Mughal Emperor Jahangir as ‘shiekhu’ was his nickname.
Hiran Minar park complex was constructed in the 17th century in memory of his favorite pet antelope. This is what folklore says, as there are writings on the minaret eulogizing the antelope. Hiran Minar is 6 Kms from Sheikhupura interchange on the M-1 motorway and 3.5 hrs from Rawalpindi. This minaret is sited in a royal game reserve and the complex comprising of a water pond, gardens, gangway leading into an octagonal pavilion (made in the Shahjahan’s era).
Apparently, it is a Persian tradition to honor dead hunting pets, with monuments.

Mughals probably took 11 hrs to get here from their seat of power in Lahore Fort 50 Kms away.
For years, we have been seeing the road sign for Hiran Minar but we never had the time to venture into that place. But one day we decided to take the detour towards the site and it was worth it. The place is quite spread out, nearly 300 square meters or more.
It has a drinking pond in the center meant to lure game from the surrounding jungle. The jungle has long gone. Only the pond remains with ramps leading into it.
Powerboat ride in the pond is nice, especially passing underneath the arched gangway that connects with the octagonal pavilion. This place attracts a lot of tourists.
The Mughal architecture is very interesting with single-piece chatri (umbrella) on top of the pavilion and airy terraces below for the royals to relax, surrounded by clear water.
To read about our visit to click this link lahore fort,
Looks like a great place to visit
Looks like a lovely place. I’d like to visit.
Good write up
Will visit In Sha Allah
Seems a nice place for visit