h2hf Politics

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Kashmir speech in UN General Assembly in September 2019, was a foreboding for things to come for …

Mr. Imran Khan, you have to give it to the man, Mr. Modi. He presided over the worst case of anti-Muslim pogrom …

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Citizen complaint Portal is being defeated by our very own. CAUTION Since I published this complaint, instead …

FATF Grey Listing of Pakistan is Bullying

A take on Reham Khan’s book on Imran Khan and our elite. Dear Dr. Phil   What is wrong with the elite …

Now I can dare to see a prosperous, secure and strong Pakistan for my children. Imran Khan’s 11 points that he unveiled …

Pakistan needs irreligious Government Executives and Education, only then the democratic will of the people of Pakistan can  be realized. Executive Branch …

Imran khan and peerni pinky needed each other and got what they wanted.