Pak bureaucrats are defeating Imran Khan citizen portal

Imran Khan's citizen portal

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Citizen complaint Portal is being defeated by our very own.


Since I published this complaint, instead of acting positively on criticism, I have been banned from PM Complaint portal – Bravo Pakistan bureaucracy!

Firstly, I’ll go over our sordid history. The area that is now Pakistan (around Indus River), was always used by the British, Sikh and Mughals to recruit loyal soldiers. It was never meant to be a crucible of civilization. This distortion is very evident now, since the civil society has been woefully starved of funding. It’s no wonder that Pakistani bureaucrats’ don’t feel the need to make Imran Khan’s citizen portal a success.

Although I know Pakistani bureaucracy very well, still, considering Imran Khan was adamant that his Citizen’s portal has achieved 92 % success, I lodged three complaints. None of them were resolved.

This is the government’s claim

I only got robotic and meaningless answers from bureaucrats on my complaints. Do read the replies of bureaucrats; it’s a lesson in the art of evasiveness, apathy, untouchability.

If Prime Minister Imran Khan cannot reign in these government officers, then who will?

Just by appointing Mr. Ishrat Husain as consultant would achieve nothing. Instead of getting the government machinery moving, he is more interested in fattening his CV by Publishing books based on Government data, for which he has easy access.

This is the first complaint was about my birth certificate that CMH Lahore is not issuing me a duplicate copy despite that fact that I have been a federal government officer for over 25 years.

Second complaint was to HEC about my PhD paper not being accepted in Pakistani journals because of impossible requirements of HEC.

Check out HEC’s noncommittal reply — like they don’t have a care in the world — completely missing the point that Pakistani PhD students in the engineering management field have no quality journal available to publish to qualify for a PhD degree.

Third complaint was against Cantonment Board for not stopping traffic in the narrow lane in front of our house — same, no action and a typically bored reply.

This is what PM Imran Khan should do:

  1. Appoint a Chief Whip as his Chief of Staff and give him hire & fire powers to make all the bureaucrats work.
  2. Give powers back to the DMG groups to execute orders and have some writ over the lawless country.
  3. Take back power from the untouchable institutions and individuals by gradually enforcing the law.
  4. Privatize state-owned enterprises, with no further delay.
  5. Establish a DC secretariat in each of the 154 districts complete with a secure, well-furnished, and digitally connected Legislature, Judiciary, and Executive — all in close proximity.
  6. All DCs should have a live feed video conferencing facility with the Chief Whip of the PM.
  7. Get rid of non-FPSC officer’s cadres; don’t compromise on quality.
  8. Get rid of the Section officers, they don’t have the ability to understand the bigger picture.
  9. Post the best and the brightest in economics, industry, education ministries.
  10. Make it essential for DMG officers to seek higher education abroad to qualify for the top slot.
  11. Bring in experts from the private sector to run institutions and ministries.
  12. Transfer power to the local government ASAP. Even the PM Portal data shows that the highest number of complaints is regarding municipal services and it is expected.
  13. The second highest complaints are regarding energy and electricity and that is because bureaucrats run these institutions. Please have them privatized at the earliest.
  14. The third highest complaints are regarding education and health. Stop funding non-development expenditure and feeding fat cows and divert it to education and health. This is where true nations are built.
  15. Fence the Pak-Afghan border immediately. This will help control crime and promote rule of law.
  16. Grant nationality of the Afghan refugees who have assimilated into the Pakistan way of life and are paying taxes. Move the rest into migrant camps near the border.

Do this Mr. Prime minister, and then your PM Citizen’s Portal will be effective. Otherwise, it would just be another gimmick that we have gotten used to.


Prime Minister Imran Khan’s citizen complaint portal App can be downloaded here, for Apple and Android. This is the way to use Imran Khan Citizen Portal in Urdu and Imran khan citizen portal phone is mentioned here. Imran Khan’s citizenship for Afghans details is listed here. This is how Imran Khan denounced India’s citizenship bill that excluded Muslims.

For more on Prime Minister Imran Khan, do see this

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