Neela wahn waterfall and Lake at Kallar Kahar

Neela wahn waterfall lake

Neela Wahn waterfall and lake complex at Kallar Kahar, Chakwal, Pakistan is a perfect site to spend your weekend with friends

It all started when I had just about run out of options for making money from the real-estate business. I instead opted to spend some of my limited cash on treating myself to a good old adventure journey. That’s because Pakistan’s problems aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

I discovered Neela Wahn waterfall while I was looking for pictures of Neelum Munir – don’t ask me why

Neela Wahn waterfall  lake

Distance of Neela Wahn waterfall from Islamabad

On a warm sunny Sunday morning, I decided to drive all the way to Chakwal from Islamabad on a 3-hour journey (160 km) to enjoy some leisure time. I got off from the Kallar Kahar interchange and drove toward Nurpur-Buchal Kalan village on Khushab road. The road is perfect for all types of vehicles, so I got there exactly as google maps estimated.

Distance of Neela Wahn from Lahore

From Lahore, the distance of Neela Wahn Lake is 3.3 h and 270 km.

Neela Wahn waterfall lake

Location Map of Neela Wahn

Neela Wahn is a pond at the bottom of a crucible-type gorge that extends several kilometers out of Nurpur town. Not many people live in the gorge, and I can’t seem to figure out why, for all I know it is a gorgeous place, away from the madding crowd. In fact, it gets so isolated there that I kept my dagger close to my belt just in case.

Don’t forget to wear high ankle boots because I could hear rustling in the thick bushes close, thereby indicating some slithering critter.

Google map Neel Wah

I parked my car beside the main road, near the village of Nurpur Buchal Kalan, and asked local people for directions toward the Neela Wahn Lake.

The first time I missed the turn on the dirt road that winds downwards toward the bottom of the gorge. Instead, I climbed up to a rock ledge that overlooked the gorge and got stuck in the jungle.

Neela Wahn waterfall lake

Neela Wahn Pond

I turned back and was about to abort my trip without seeing the actual blue lake when some picnickers pointed me toward the bend in the dirt track, just 100 meters from the starting point that goes toward the lake.

It gets pretty dark and fast during winters and I was already quite late in the evening, but I ran down from the top of hill to the ponds below to save precious day light hours.

The track down is steep but everyone, including kids, can manage to walk down it. It took me 15 min to reach the bottom where the lake and waterfall is.

The first site of the lake is breathtaking with a huge granite rock face arranged in a semi-circle upfront and water gushing forth from its base.

This water cascades over 15-foot waterfalls and ends up in a artificial lake about 50-foot square. The lake had small fish in it and was emerald-colored. There was no one else at the place except me and the sound of trickling water.

The silence was therapeutic.

Neela Wahn waterfall lake

Where to eat?

As there are no restaurants near, I ate from the stash of fruits.

I noticed that the granite cliff face had a horizontal cut running throughout the length of about 200 meters and it seemed like it was a cave. The cave was probably formed during a naturally occurring eon, but it seemed a perfect site to repel down into to explore.

This clear water flows down into the thick bush beyond and god knows where it ends up. I didn’t have the courage to cut through prickly bush to end up lost with god knows what lurking in the dark.

The hike back is a little steep and it takes 45 min for an average man to reach the parking.

This gorge is probably the park of the newly designated natural park, by the Imran Khan government.

Things to see around Neela Wahn

While I was driving back to Islamabad, I noticed how rich Chakwal is in beauty and history. I sense this rich history in its relatively civilized people that are hospitable and somewhat educated despite being poor.

I get the feeling there a lot more to discover in Chakwal, but for now, I was happy enjoying the tranquility of this warm winter evening, in the orange hue of the setting sun.

Don’t forget to read; 50 fun facts about Pakistan

Neela Wahn waterfall lake
Kalar Kahar Lake


Neela Wahn Lake is best to be enjoyed during peak summer months when you can take a bath there and have a picnic with your loved ones on the margins of the lake.

If you want me to arrange your visit to the place, do inbox me.

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One Comment

  1. Swati Roy says:

    Wow, nice and informal, thank u very much

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