1971 Bangladesh

Was 1971 Bangladesh split from the ideal of Pakistan worth it?

1971 Bangladesh split or debacle should not have happened as Bengal was original Pakistan. Before the 1971 war, Bangladesh was firmly Pakistan. Bengali freedom-from-colonists leaders were the first to accept the idea of a nation of Islam. Going back a little further, a lot of influential Bangladeshi leaders were either Hindus themselves or 1st generation…

prime minister imran khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan the real fight is coming! for Pakistan

Dear Prime Minister Imran Khan ہم دیکھیں گے جب ارضِ خدا کے کعبے سےسب بت اٹھوائے جائیں گےہم اہلِ صفا، مردودِ حرممسند پہ بٹھائے جائیں گےسب تاج اچھالے جائیں گےسب تخت گرائے جائیں گے ہم دیکھیں گے   ‘We will definitely witness (the day)… When all the demi-gods shall be removed from the Kaaba of…

Migraine Headaches

Manage Migraine Headaches with natural remedies in Pakistan

Migraine headaches are caused by the interplay of hormones, chemicals, and abnormal nerve stimulation at the base of the brain. Conditions like high blood pressure, low serotonin levels, hyper sensitivity to lights and sounds, reclusive nature are major causes of migraine headaches onset. Migraine headaches could have genetic origins as well. Migraine headaches meaning in…