h2hf Dams of Pakistan

Ghazi Barotha Dam, close to Attock city, has a huge lake behind it to store water. This lake looks beautiful in the …

Lakhwal Dam was constructed in the early 2000s over one of the several natural ravines coming through Chakwal District. It is mostly …

There is nothing dam-like in the Misriot dam, except the spillways maybe. Misriot is more of a large-sized pond that is heavily …

Dharabi Dam literally means “the place located between water”. That is exactly how it had been since the beginning of time, till …

Khanpur Dam is located inside Islamabad and is the only dam that gives free access to every Pakistan citizen and Foreigners alike …

Rawal Dam is one of the few water reservoirs near Rawalpindi Islamabad twin cities where you can enjoy a boat ride with …

Wali Tangi is the narrow gorge, 20 Kms East of Quetta City. Beyond the gorge is the Wali Tangai Dam, on the …

We took the Northern route to Shahpur Dam, through the Kala-Chitta Hills. It’s a funny name for a range of hills that …