history of Pakistan

No BS History of Pakistan

This is the factual history of Pakistan as recorded by a Pakistani researcher and completely truthful. 3000 −1500 BC Indus Valley Civilization History of Pakistan The Indus Valley civilization formally occurred around the Eastern and Western banks of the Indus River and its 5 tributaries Ravi River Beas River Sutlej River Chenab River Indus River…

Pakistan irreligious

Pakistan needs irreligious Govt Executives and Education

Pakistan needs irreligious Government Executives and Education, only then the democratic will of the people of Pakistan can  be realized. Executive Branch in the Government of Pakistan means all Federal and Provincial Officers, Judiciary, Bureaucrats, teachers, and Professors. Now, I will explain why it is critical. What is being “Irreligious”? “Unbelief” is when a particular…

civilized nation

Can we call Pakistan a Civilized nation?

Present-day Pakistan has miles to go before it can be safely called a civilized nation, let alone a Civilizational State like its parent, the Indus Valley Civilization. What went wrong in Pakistan? Since Pakistan’s evolutionary process has remained stunted by repeated military coups and wars, the depth of research, experience, political continuity, and wealth necessary…