Travel 700 years old kingdom of Khaplu SkarduKhaplu town near Skardu Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan, is the 700 years old kingdom, in the heart of Ganche valley. This town is…
Travel Deosai Plains: The land of Giants SkarduDeosai Plains are a plateau at a height of 3500–5500 meters in the Skardu Region of the Western Himalayas and close to…
Travel Chilas Rock Carvings and Hidden GoldChilas Rock Carvings are symbols left by ancient Buddhist worshipers at this important River crossing. This city is a transit town in…
Travel Turquoise waters of Phandar of Ghizer Valley Gilgit BaltistanPhandar Gahkuch and Ghizer Valleys are equally gorgeous
Travel 15 Good Reasons to Visit Gilgit PakistanGilgit Pakistan is the capital city of Gilgit Baltistan Province and is itself an excellent tourist spot How to get to Gilgit…