h2hf Opinion Piece

As a Pakistani, the only safe and lucrative investments available are real estate in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi or Gold. Buy Real...

Truth is the only freedom the people have in modern times and humans are born to be free. Speak the truth meaning?...

It is clear from Quranic verses and Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings that there is little room for dating and love before marriage...

Present-day Pakistan has miles to go before it can be safely called a civilized nation, let alone a Civilizational State like its...

South Asian people and Pakistanis, in particular, violate boundaries without batting an eyelid. Borders, Territory, turf, jurisdiction, domain, personal space, authority, limits,...

Muslim Mughal Rule in India ended because of the bankruptcy of their treasury, just the way Pakistan is headed. This bankruptcy was...

These are the kind of top motivational speeches and address that people with a certain level of experience and intelligence, would really...

Intuition, Ilham and Kashaf are all voices of God that whisper to you the answers in moments of silent reflection. This voice...