h2hf Society

In the India – Pakistan context, racism and religious discrimination are synonymous because India has continued the British system of caste identity, …

Enforced Disappearance in Pakistan takes place when an authoritarian ruler wants to silence opposition with a conscience, by terrorizing them through terror. …

All five conditions that create a suicide bomber can be described in one word – Desperation! Statistics on Suicide Bombing 90% of …

Hedonism is the ultimate compensation for the less fortunate one. Unfortunately, some cultures don’t even allow that in the lowest rung of …

People are making millions of dollars trading Bitcoins in Pakistan. Cryptocurrency and Islamic Law accepts Bitcoins in Pakistan Islam’s financial system was …

Pakistan Ranking on Various Global Indexes Conclusion Wherever the index requires numbers of people, irrespective of their quality and skill, Pakistan does …

Rainwater harvesting or rainfall storage reduces household drinking water purchase bills in developing countries. The clear water that was supposed to be …

Pedophile are people who seen sexual gratification from pre-pubescent children. What this means is that the people with the Pedophilia mental disorder …