5 Karma reasons India Cricket is losing to Pakistan

India lost world cup

Sports does not get any bigger than India Cricket games that involves Pakistan and that is why this post is also in the same context.

India lost ICC cricket world cup 2019 from New Zealand making it the second world cup final loss in a row. So, what is it that makes a filthy rich Board of Control of Cricket (BCCI), manage to chuck every time? despite doling out huge sums of payoffs to white coaches and control boards.

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These are my five reasons why India loses in world cup cricket:-

What goes around, comes around for India Cricket

What goes around comes around! India has been sabotaging Pakistan cricket since the Sri Lankan team attack, which some observers attribute to their proxies as well. Pakistan has had to face international isolation and was practically the pariah of cricketing countries, ever since.

All the while Indian BCCI has been prancing around in the white-man’s club, trying to be whiter than the British, and forgetting where they belong. Remember ‘Big-3’ initiative of India? Well, look where it got you in the end. India was shooting itself in the foot.

You can’t sabotage your neighbor and expect to win anything.

India Cricket denied their players exposure to real Pakistani talent 

BCCI of India kept Pakistani players out of Indian Premier League (IPL), which was like removing Brazilians Ronaldo & Ronaldinho from Soccer leagues. By trying to damage Pakistani cricketing standards, India was denied exposure to true talent to up their game before the world cup.

New Zealand only exposed their weaknesses in the Semi-Final. Not to mention how silly BCCI looked in the cricketing world, wooing white players with wads of cash while denying genuine players of sub-continent their right. It was a colonialism rerun.

Indian invested in destroying the game of cricket

The government of Indians funded Bangladesh and Afghanistan cricket not for a noble cause, but to encourage an anti-Pakistan cricket alliance. A trash team like Bangladesh, riddled with terror violence, refused to tour Pakistan. Same is the case with Afghanistan, just to please India.

Well, all these teams have returned to their countries with their tails between their legs – all thanks to Indian machinations. Their chief patron India had it the worst, in the process of illegally removing Pakistan from the world cup by throwing the match, Dhoni and his cohorts only dug their own grave.

Pakistan Cricket is better than Australia and New Zealand combined

Everyone knows Pakistan can beat Australia, England and New Zealand any day of the week. Even the teams themselves say that. Because of limited international exposure thanks to India, Pakistan had to exit early.

Cricket has suffered, cricketing fans have suffered, and the stature of world cup cricket has suffered as a consequence of India politicizing the gentleman’s game. Then Afghans go ahead and fly a provocative political banner to please their patrons, India. I guess Indians are no gentlemen after all.

India is inviting the new East India Company back

What happened to India in the cricket world cup, could very well happen in international politics as well. It is this unjust, servile attitude of Indians towards colonial masters while undercutting their fellow Indian natives, the reason Pakistan came in to being in the first place.

This is exactly what the Hindi Maratha rulers did against Nizam of Hyderabad. If Mr. Modi, his BJP and RSS Hindu extremists don’t ease off this attitude with Pakistan, all countries of the Indian sub-continent, including India might have to exit the world stage.

India Pakistan Cricket Conclusion

India would be better advised to start looking inwards and carry out a thorough soul searching and they would see the light — which is to talk to Pakistan on Kashmir and let all natives prosper together. Right now India has just lost the game; India could very well lose the set and match together.

For more, click the following links.

India has lost more than just in cricket

The great country of India is piling up losses against Pakistan. Namely,

  • India lost in Afghanistan,
  • India just about lost Kashmir,
  • India lost in Kabaddi world cup,
  • India lost in Kargil,
  • India lost in 1965,
  • India lost in a dogfight of Abhinandan,
  • India lost their terror agent Kalbushan Yadav,
  • India lost a $ 3B submarine,
  • India 英 lost in 1962 to Pakistan’s buddy China.
  • And now India lost the ICC Cricket world cup because Pakistan evoked the dark forces in 2018, 2019 and maybe in 2020.

Pakistan will win ICC world cup

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