h2hf Religion

Hate might not be the correct word, but the world does consider a system of government that accepts Islam, Jihad and Allah, …

Emphasis of Justice in Islam, Quranic teachings and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings (Sunnah) are vital for Pakistan’s survival. This word and injustice have …

Constitution of Medina is where Pakistani society should be heading and here is why: A society based on faith Although Muslims were …

Commonalities in world religions are mostly related to character building, humanity, hope and social cohesion

Since Character and Integrity in Muslim societies, have a different meaning for the elite and the general public, I thought it necessary …

Nowadays, no one knows the real purpose of Eid-ul Adha. The slaughtering of an animal during Eid-ul-Adha is an Islamic ritual intended …

The elite in Pakistan worships many God, but not Allah and his prime creation – humans – so he left to be …