Extrajudicial killing

Extrajudicial killing destroys society: Pakistan

  Killings without an institutional mechanism to ensure accountability is cruelty. Even the fairest of courtrooms are likely to commit errors of judgment in awarding death sentences, so extrajudicial killing is absolutely unacceptable in a civilized society. It is an extremely flawed way to dispense justice; something resembling the wild-west. Even Quran says “Whoever kills…

Pakistan cricket team inconsistency

Pakistan Cricket Team inconsistency explained

Pakistan Cricket team inconsistency, in a nutshell, can only be described as monumentally disastrous.  Just as an example, just go over these statistics of Pakistan Cricket Team, the winners of the champion’s trophy.  Pakistan New Zealand Clash The 5-Nil whitewash of ICC Champions Trophy winners, having the top-ranked bowler (Hassan Ali), top all-rounder (M Hafeez),…


Pedophile Punishment Bill Signed: RIP Zainab Ansari

Pedophile are people who seen sexual gratification from pre-pubescent children. What this means is that the people with the Pedophilia mental disorder are not seeking sexual satisfaction but a twisted gratification from someone who cannot grasp the concept yet. Therefore, the purpose of normal people having sex and pedophiles having sex is totally different in…